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For Immediate Release
February 10, 2009
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Phone: 631.849.4301

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Scores Higher Than All Other Custom Companies; Comes out on Top 4th Consecutive Year in a Row

Portland, OR – February 10, 2009 – As reported in the 2009 inside track Supplier Loyalty Test, Triad Speakers, Inc. has captured 10 of the 16 parameter first places in the Custom Install - Distributed Audio/Video, CI Speakers, Power Management & Accessories Group category, landing the company the ranking of # 1 Custom Installation Company. This signifies the fourth consecutive first place Overall win in the Custom Installation category for Triad.

The inside track Supplier Loyalty Test is an annual, independent nationwide survey of consumer electronics specialist retailers and custom installers. This year the participants of the survey consisted of 220 independent specialty dealers and custom integrators – 208 from the US and 12 from Canada. Evaluated were a total of 81 brands in 7 groups - electronics, speakers, video display, video screen, custom installation, wire & cable and car audio manufacturers / vendors.

Triad ranked first in 10 out of 16 parameters, including product performance, product reliability, quality of sales representatives, ease of doing business, technical support, resolution of service / return / repair issues, special oriented business programs, product changes / price protection and distribution policies that support specialists.

The company ranked second in its group for product innovation, brand name recognition, ease-of-installation and just in time delivery; third in appropriate assortment and fourth in dealer training.

Triad President Larry Pexton says “As always, the inside track survey has accurately captured Triad’s strengths and weaknesses. We are clearly caring for our dealers very well and supplying them with reliable products. Our dealers would like us to improve our training and to add innovative new products. In such, Triad is hard at work on both fronts.”

Pexton continued, ”While our competitors have scaled back their development efforts, Triad is pushing forward with a very aggressive plan to upgrade almost all of our core offerings in the next twelve months. What we will not do is retreat from the unequalled level of support for our dealers, which has again been recognized by our first place ranking among custom installation companies.”

inside track Editor & General Manager Gisela Schoell says, “The inside track Supplier Loyalty Test is a dealer satisfaction survey. Those grading the vendors are not uninvolved ‘experts,’ but the very dealers and integrators who work with the products, interact with the people, and make their living as the partners of these vendors. Since the 16 parameters on which all vendors are graded measure the totality of the vendor/dealer partnership, a company like Triad - which has been awarded very high grades across the board, resulting in their Overall first place ranking among Custom Installation companies for 4 consecutive years - has proven itself as a loyal partner to the independent dealers/custom integrators.”

For all Triad Speaker press inquiries, please contact Paul Muto at 631.849.4301 or email

About Triad Speakers, Inc.
Established in 1982 by President Larry Pexton (a founding member of CEDIA), Triad is a steadily growing provider of complete loudspeaker solutions for multi-room residential and home theater system applications. A top choice by many CEDIA custom integrators nationwide, the company has made significant advancements in the arena of front-channel speakers, surrounds, subwoofers, distributed audio speakers via enclosed in-wall and in-ceiling and freestanding designs.

Triad defined itself in 1992 as a provider of “unique architectural audio/video solutions through innovative design and manufacturing.” That mission is unchanged in 2009. The company has explicitly studied and modeled the Toyota Production System to implement its mission. The latest improvement is offering, at no extra charge, custom paint match of the grill frames and inserts in its US manufactured products. Over 90% of Triad’s products are manufactured daily in Portland Oregon, in a pure build to order operation with no work in progress and no finished goods inventory of the US built products. The company uses the finest materials, including premium MDF, drivers from the finest vendors in Northern Europe, high-grade crossover components, and the best veneer and paint finishes and grills. Contact Information: Triad Speakers, Inc., 15835 NE Cameron Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97230. Main Phone: 503.256.2600; Fax: 503.256.5966; Internet:


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